School Curriculum

School Curriculum

We hold that the process of learning should be enjoyable, active, meaningful and practical for everyone involved. We recognize that our students come to us with a wide variety of learning styles, academic abilities, creative skills, linguistic and cultural experiences. As a result, we employ teaching methods that are child oriented, creative, varied and flexible. Our teachers and students are partners in learning, sharing decisions that affect both learning and behavior. We encourage our teachers and students to interact on emerging or controversial issues such as global warming, health, migration, economic, political, environmental and social issues. These issues lead to a need for students to be able to communicate, function and create change personally, socially, economically and politically on local, national and global levels. We engage them in appropriate, justifiable, risk taking and confident activity. The integrated approach of teaching enables to link various subjects with an object. We have additional curriculum to achieve the goal of Rising Star School besides Nepal’s National curriculum. 

School Curriculum
School Curriculum
School Curriculum
School Curriculum